Rise of a Valkyrie

Wide Art

Wide Art

6x9 Illustration

6x9 Illustration

3D Softcover Set Mockup

3D Softcover Set Mockup

Sample Sketches from the Collaboration

Sample Sketches from the Collaboration

I recently had the pleasure of working with Simon Holley for his debut novel, Rise of a Valkyrie!

Stories like this make me feel so glad to be a cover illustrator as it was brilliant! And I absolutely devoured it while working on the sketches for him.

During the reading I had a consistent vision in my mind (sketch A) - that of Kayla staring down the camera in her combat suit, with determination and an impetuous look on her alien blood splattered face. But when I got to the scenes of Kayla learning to skydive, and of the Valkyries being launched onto a planet from space, I knew I had to try depicting that epic moment (C) in my sketches too!

Simon recognized something special and unique in that too. And so gave me permission to go full steam ahead on trying to make that moment as awesome as I could!

March 16, 2024